The 7 Building Blocks of Writing MotherhoodThe tools you will need to reconstruct—and deconstruct—moments of motherhood on paper. Learn how to:
Becoming a Writing MotherYour guided journey through the Mother's Notebook—in three parts:
InvitationsDaily writing activities—ranging from charting the highs and lows of motherhood to reporting one day in your life as a mother.
Writing StartsWords, phrases, and lines to jumpstart your writing: On the day you were born... Brown-bag lunches... Fathers... Every chapter includes suggestions for writing starts, and the book ends with a list of ninety-nine writing starts to keep you going for months to come.
InspirationsQuotes throughout the book from well-known mothers and writers offering additional wisdom and advice.
Writing Mother's HelpersTips to help you hone your writing skills. Look for guidance on "the rhythm of writing" and "the weight of words," among other topics.
Sample Mother PagesReprinted from the author's notebook and from her students' notebooks as models of how to write about motherhood.
Writing Motherhood for LifeSuggestions for coming out of the Mother's Notebook and connecting with other mothers who write, both in person and online. Learn how to revise pages and submit them for publication. Find guidelines for starting or joining a group of Writing Mothers. Discover how to make Writing Motherhood a way of life. Back to Top |